How Should I Store Coffee?
Proper coffee storage is essential to maintain the freshness and flavour of your coffee beans. Coffee is sensitive to air, light, moisture, and odours, so taking the right precautions will help ensure your coffee remains at its best for as long as possible. Here's how you should store coffee:
1. Use an Airtight Container:- Transfer your coffee beans from their original packaging to an airtight container with a tight-sealing lid. The container should have a one-way valve to release gas but prevent air from entering.

- Store your coffee container in a cool, dark location, away from direct sunlight, heat sources, and fluctuations in temperature. Avoid placing it near the stove or on top of the refrigerator.
- Moisture is coffee's enemy, as it can lead to mould and spoilage. Keep your coffee container away from humid areas, and don't store it in the refrigerator or freezer, as moisture can accumulate when the coffee is exposed to temperature changes.

- Air exposure can cause coffee to stale more quickly. Choose a container that fits the amount of coffee you typically use within a week or two to minimise the air inside.
- Whenever possible, buy whole coffee beans and grind them just before brewing. Whole beans stay fresh longer than pre-ground coffee because the surface area exposed to air is smaller.
Remember that coffee is best when consumed within a few weeks of roasting, as it's at its peak freshness during this time. Even with proper storage, coffee beans will gradually lose some of their flavour over time, so it's always best to enjoy your coffee as soon as possible after purchasing or roasting.